The Crap In My Dance Bag

I've got a lot of crap in my dance bag, and I decided to clean it out today.  My dance bag is also my gym bag, so there's some random stuff in there.  Most of it is shoes.  Haha.

Ok top left to bottom right:

1.  Spare tank top
2.  New ballet shoes!  More on that later.
3.  Crusty old ballet slippers
4.  Black jazz shoes
5.  Tan jazz shoes
6.  Pointe shoes
7.  Black Legwarmers
8.  "Wisps" one use toothbrush things
9.  Shampoo/Conditioner/Soap
10.  Sport phone holder
11.  Custom pointe shoe pads
12.  Sport tape
13.  Gaudy black legwarmers with rainbow metallic weave.  Ridiculous.
14.  Pointe pad bag
15.  No-show socks in black & tan
16.  Blue & Gray foot undies
17.  Lambswool
18.  Scissors & Seam Rippers
19.  Lots of different pads... heel grips, gaynor minden fitting kits, a few different toe spacers, toe caps, box liners, gel pads, ouch pouches, wool pads
20.  Vibram Fivefingers running shoes

A lot of crap.  I have more dance shoes than regular shoes!

Final thoughts:  These are by far the best hair pins I've ever used.  They never fall out and are perfect for buns.  I found them at Sally's beauty supply.


  1. Wow you have so much! I carry only a few things with me to and from class because I hate my bag being too heavy. Yah for new slippers, I just washed mine so like new again (sort of)

  2. Our ballet teacher actually quite likes if we use the Vibram shoes in class, with socks over them. They encourage you not to scrunch up your toes in demipointe and other movements, plus giving you a good base to stand on the right spot. I have to say, I get less foot cramps when I wear them, and especially if I've had a few weeks off, they help me balance and get in shape again better!


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