Class in my new shoes

Ballet Tuesday was awesome!  I really like my new Russian Pointe Almaz shoes-- they are so supportive!  My feet don't bend in half in these shoes, and they are actually upright.  It's a really strange feeling going from dead shoes to new.  My left foot was experiencing some pain in the big toe, I just need to figure out the right padding.

In other news, during technique class (before pointe) we did our pirouette drills, and I'm thrilled to share that I pulled a perfect, relaxed, slow double pirouette to the right!  I was freaking out afterward-- over the summer I couldn't do a clean single to the right let alone a perfect double!!  I only landed the one, but the rest were like 1.5 rotations.  In typical fashion my left pirouette needs work again... I fell out of my left pirouettes to the point where I actually fell on the ground... twice.  Argh.

We've been continuing leaps in modern & lyrical, I've learned that my leaps have a surprising amount of power to them with a lot of vertical "air".  I find myself stumbling as I land my leaps because I'm bringing my legs down much faster than I need to, anticipating the landing several moments before it's actually coming.  That's new and not the worst issue to have.  :)

The instructors across all of my classes are focusing a lot on core work & activation to achieve better balance.  My core has been very weak since having a baby, but in taking these classes regularly I can feel myself becoming stronger throughout my whole body.  Remembering to keep my core activated all the time is something I struggle with, but when I do I can balance longer in retire, I can catch myself at the end of pirouettes and balance just a bit longer, and arabesques & attitudes are getting more stable.
Progress is fun.  I'm still amazed by what my body decides it's capable of after so many years off.  I think realizing that concept is hard to do, but so worthwhile in the end.

There seems to be no limit to what the human body can do if we only just allow it.  We are malleable, and even after many years of lethargy the body can revert to what it once was.  That's amazing.

Happy Dancing,



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