Holy Leaps! Got Hang-time?

I had an AWESOME contemporary class tonight!  We've been doing leaps regularly in all of my classes this year, whereas last year we didn't really practice them at all in any class.  We've been practicing waltz and leaps, mixing the two together in a really fast and super fun combination going around the perimeter of the room.

Waltz-2-3, 3 step waltz turn, 2 hops in attitude, run run stag leap.  It's super fun, and I really like the stag leaps because of the extra momentum you can put into your attitude position in the leading leg.

We ended the class with doing developpe leaps across the floor--- chasse, run run, leap leap leap leap.  I vividly remember back when I was taking ballet at about the age of 13.  I never was spectacular at leaps, especially the grande jete.  I just didn't understand the concept of brushing the leading leg through straight as opposed to a developpe.  My teacher used to yell at me all the time for it!

Now I have the grand jete movement down, but it's not pretty considering I don't have my full splits yet.  I also lack in take off or momentum to get my body high enough off the ground to allow my legs to extend to their full potential.  TONIGHT WAS DIFFERENT!  :)

Tonight was the first time I've done the developpe leap since I was like 13 (my teacher eventually beat it out of me in class!), and I was pleasantly surprised with the air I got.  I thought I was going to land much sooner than I did!  I caught a look in the mirror during a few of them and wow!  Not a perfect split but much much better than my standard grand jete!  As close as I could physically get to the full splits.

I think it's because the movement of a developpe gives you two chances to increase your momentum.  First with the knee leading and second with the action of the leg straightening and the foot swinging up into position.  That's what it feels like, I was much higher at the peak of my leaps than I usually am doing the straight legged grand jete.  I could actually feel that split second of hang time, it was very cool and something I haven't experienced before.

I honestly thought I knew the physical limitations of my body-- I guess I was wrong.  Now to get my splits!

Happy Dancing!



  1. Grand jetes are one of my favourite things to do! I'm terrible at petite allégro, completely lack the finesse to get the small footwork right and end up 'bouncing' (my teachers words, not mine). I love that feeling of hanging in the air. It's just so magic.


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