First Week Back

I've officially been back in classes for one week, and man am I sore!  I've had 5 class hours in the last week, which is really too much.  I haven't done much since the recital, and I'm paying for it now.

Last Thursday I had Contemporary, and then Technique Workshop.  I liked Technique Workshop, but it's 3 younger girls and myself, and we are all on very different levels.  Contemporary is something I've always been interested in, just never tried it.  I liked the class, but years of ballet training made letting loose a little awkward. 

Monday I had Lyrical.  A lot of the people decided to try different classes this year, and there was only 5 of us, and 2 of them have transferred out.  I like lyrical, it comes much more naturally for me.

Tuesday was ballet & pointe, and my teacher just jumped right back in!  Super long barre in flat and some allegro combinations in the center.  Pointe was a fairly difficult barre warmup and then some challenging center work, but I was able to do most of the combinations. 

After all of that, I'm so happy to be back in class!  Dance makes me feel free.  I am myself when I am dancing, and that feels pretty cool. 

Contemporary, Technique, and Lyrical classes all had leaps in them, and I landed funny on my right foot.  I've had some arch pain the last few days.  My arches are really long and my feet pretty narrow, so it's a lot of strain on my arch. 

I've also got a high demi pointe, so I occasionally have the arch pain if I turn weird or something.

I need to try out different padding with my gaynors again I think.  When I wear the shoes without tights, my feet don't sink in at all into the box, but when I'm wearing my tights (my teacher requires it) it's just a bit less friction than I'd like inside the shoe.  There has to be a solution to this!  I feel like some sort of non skid insert would do it in the arch area rather than more padding. Hmmm.  I'll brainstorm and report back.

So I decided to take my favorite picture over.  The one with one foot in a shoe and one foot bare.  Here are a few variations:

(This is a lot harder than it looks)

And one last shameless plug- pointe makes for great leg muscles....

 I'm going to pass on this Thursday's class so I can recover from being so sore, but that's about all I know.  I have a major ballet related project in the works, I wish I could unveil it already, but I'm not quite finished!

Happy Dancing :)


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