Best Foot Type For Pointe

What is the best foot type for pointe?
I see this question asked over and over all across the internet.  Yahoo answers, message boards, etc.  Going about 7 steps too far forward, you see people saying that their teachers wouldn't allow them (or said they'd never make it) on pointe because they "don't have the right feet" for dancing en pointe.

What kind of crappery is this?

People, this is NOT a legitimate excuse anymore for not allowing someone en pointe.
What is this, 1910?  If your instructor has told you some form of "your feet aren't right for pointe" you need to seriously consider finding a new instructor.  That, or your instructor doesn't feel you are ready and wants to let you down easy without telling you the real truth.  In which case, I still think you should look for a different instructor.

There are other physical limitations that might prevent someone from going en pointe, such as the inability to fully straighten the knees or inflexible ankles, but I'd hope your instructor would teach you about these limitations and how to work on them outside the studio rather than give you an excuse about your foot shape. 

There are several pointe shoe makers, and many many different models and sizes of pointe shoes.  Every shoe is intended for a different shape foot.  Unless you have no toes, or one toe that is significantly longer (like inches) longer than the rest, I guarantee there is a pointe shoe out there for you. 

That said, there are different foot shapes that will be more difficult to fit.  A person with a Greek style foot, or a foot where the 2nd toe is longer than the big toe (and more often than not tapered toes) will be a more difficult fit than someone with peasant or square toes.  Super flexible feet and arches are a pain to fit, as are compressible feet and flat feet.  Padding is helpful, and learning how to correctly pad your shoes for your foot type is really important too!

If you are questioning whether or not you will be able to go en pointe someday because you think your feet are weird need to stop worrying and start learning about your feet!  I've touched on foot shape in the past on this blog (HERE), I've given the basic things you need to figure out about your feet before going in for your shoe fitting.  Here they are again:

1.  What shape are your toes when standing flat, and also when correctly pointed?
2.  What is your arch type? 
3.  Do you have compressible feet?

In addition to these three items, there are other things to consider.  How flexible is your arch?  Are your feet even in flexibility?  What is your heel like when flat?  When pointed?  Do you naturally pronate or sickle your feet and ankles?  With so many foot types, there comes a need for many different styles of shoe.

So I leave one final question with you. 

Do you know your foot type?


  1. I love love love your blog!!!! I started dancing ballet again after a five year hiatus. I can totally relate to your stories. I signed up for a performance workshop which will end with a student showcase. You are such an inspiration and a beautiful dancer. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. Happy Dancing!

    1. Hello Solimar,

      I'm so sorry I haven't replied to your comment yet, I just saw it now! Thank you very much for reading my blog and for your nice comments! That's awesome that you've taken the plunge to return to ballet, it's so scary but so rewarding!

      How did your performance workshop and student showcase go? Is it over yet, or are you right in the middle of it now? I'd love to hear how your experience went! I haven't explored workshops or seminars in the area yet, but I know they do exist.

      Thanks again for reading, I really truly appreciate your kind words. Happy Dancing!


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