Lets take an embarrassing journey back in time....

I was watching old home movies today, and I stumbled on some terribly embarrassing recital and parade videos.  I took stills, they are just too hilarious to not show people. 

First up:  Caveman themed parade float

My studio performed in a parade and had a caveman themed float.  I was the big stupid dinosaur in the middle of the float.  My mom made my costume, and she could have made it absolutely amazing.  INSTEAD, she made it look like Baby Bop from Barney but in metallic silver and pink.  I'm like 6 years old here.  I will get my mom back for this someday!!


Of course at the time I thought it was awesome.  Looking back, WHAT!!!!???

The next one is a little less embarrassing, but still awkward.  I was at a really strange time in my life when it comes to growing.  I'm unusually tall, eventually topping off at 6'1.  In these pics I'm about 5'9 at age 13, awkward growth spurt, etc.

These are the only pictures that even remotely look decent.  

The videos of this performance are painful to watch.  I had no confidence at this point, I'm totally self conscious in them, it's a little sad. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed this terrifying blast from my past.  Couldn't not share!

Happy dancing!


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