Impending Doom: Recital in 4 weeks!!

With only 3 weeks of rehearsals left and the recital quickly creeping up, I'm starting to gather the things I need for the show.

I'm in 4 pieces, and there are two shows.  I have several quick changes, it's going to be super hectic!  I realized that I need a nude leotard to wear under my costumes, which was no easy task to locate.  There are a million different brands, but most seem super flimsy and don't appear to offer any support in the chest region.  That's an issue.

I ended up getting this TotalSupport Leotard Liner, from Rivers Edge Dancewear:

I also ordered a pair of body tights that I'm going to wear as my base layer.  I'm disappointed that I'll have so many straps, but I've got a large chest and I need the support.  I'm hoping the body tights help diminish the terrible tights line in the midsection, I need all the help I can get in that department.  Here are the tights I bought, by BodyWrappers. 

I'm kind of freaking out about the tights.  I am excited to get the body tights, but I have to alternate tights colors every other performance.  Tan, Ballet Pink, Tan, Ballet Pink.  I think I'll do it like this:

Just the tan body tights for the opening number.  For the ballet performance, I'll wear the body tights and the pink tights.  Next, just tan body tights, and then layer the pink over the body tights for the final number.  That is of course if the body tights match the tights the rest of my classes are wearing. 

Another frustration-- each routine needs totally different hair.  I go from loose and curled, tight ballet bun, half up half down curled, tight ballet bun.  Yowza, sometimes there are only 2 routines between numbers.

We also started rehearsing the opening number, our first practice was last week.  I went in not knowing what to expect.  I arrived to find 24 other people participating in the opening routine.  All 25 people will be on stage at the same time, moving about the stage in 3 separate groups.  The description of the number said it'd be a short easy piece, but it's 6 minutes long and quite difficult!

As I mentioned there are 3 groups.  One has the younger kids doing easy stuff, one is a hip hop group, and the other is more jazz/lyrical, which is my group.  The piece is tough!  They've got my group doing big calypso/double attitude turn combinations, etc.  It's really fast paced and fun though, a challenge.  I haven't done a calypso in about 10 years!! 

I have SO MUCH TO DO  to prepare for this recital.  I've got orders coming in for body tights, boot covers for my Amelia Earhart costume, nude leo, more tights, etc... I need to sew a bunch of costumes, alter a blue leotard that came in 4 sizes too big.  I'm stressing out. 

Oh well, I'll make it through.  Happy Dancing!


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