Difficult News to Hear

As I recently posted, I threw my back out over the weekend and I'm on a week long chiropractor bender.  Today I'm feeling a bit better, I can stand up straight today.  It's actually the only comfortable position for me.

I asked him what I can do to prevent this type of injury in the future.  He told me to lose 25-30 lbs and do lots of core exercises every day.  After I recover, of course!

That was like a kick in the stomach.  I've lost 25lbs since I started dance, which feels amazing.  30 more is my goal weight, but it's never been this big of a deal before.  At my current weight I still don't appear to be very overweight.  My height camouflages things pretty well, even still I know the doctor is right.

Pregnancy was not nice to my core.  I my rectus abdominus muscle split and never fully healed.  In fact, I tore it further doing plank exercises!  My skin is completely stretched out and will never go back to the way it was.  I've been hovering at the same weight range for a few weeks now, I think it's time to kick it back into gear.  I'm going to take at least 3 classes a week this summer and maybe get a pool pass for the summer and start doing laps.

Nobody has ever just flat out told me to lose 25 lbs before.  It sounds harsh, but I needed it.  I've been unhealthy too long, and I've made a good start.  I can do better, and I deserve to be a better and more healthy me.  I'm sure my technique would greatly improve if I toned up more and lost some of the extra around the middle.

I just never want to be in this kind of pain again.

Oh well, I hope you all are happily dancing, I envy you!!


  1. “He told me to lose 25-30 lbs...” - That's a lot. But if that's what your chiropractor told you and you think that it will be for your own good, then it is worth the try. How are you feeling now? I hope you're recovering just fine. xx Shan Salas @ BrandonChiropractor.net


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