Pointe Practice #3

Heyyyyy.  Here is my latest practice video.  Sorry it's so dark!  I should have put a light down behind the camera.  Anyways, I've progressed again.  I started to add a 1/4 turn into my passe drills, and I'm no longer uncomfortable springing into that position.  My balance is much better in the center, and I'm really happy with my progression so far. 

I'm confident that if I can return to ballet and pointe at age 26, anyone can.  The changes in my physique are tremendous.  I can rise out of grande plie without wobbling or pulling myself up with the barre.  I am generally loving class each week, and I'm thinking about adding a couple more classes to my weekly regimen. 

Oh!  Also-- I built my own barre today!!  This is the whole reason for even practicing today.  I spent about $20 bucks on the materials to make my barre out of PVC.  Menards (a large home improvement store in the midwest) carries PVC pipe in 5ft and 2ft sections, so it was pretty easy to get all of the lengths decided on.  Here's what I bought:

3-- 5ft lengths of 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe
3-- 2ft lengths of 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe
4-- end caps for 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe
6-- T caps for 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe
2-- 90 degree corner caps for 1 1/4 inch racheting PVC pipe
1-- 1 1/4 inch PVC cutter

Get all of the pieces home, and measure 2.5 ft on one of the 5ft pieces.  Mark the halfway point and cut it with your PVC cutter.  PVC cutters are super easy to use, but they do have a sharp blade so be careful. 

Cut all three of the 2ft sections in half with the PVC cutter. 

Start assembling.  You want it to look like this: 

Keep in mind: 

-- this will be pretty tall.  It's a good starting point, but it's a little tall for me even, and I'm 6'1.  I'd like to shorten it 6" in height and width. 

-- it's pretty wobbly.  Making it smaller and shorter will help this, but ideally it should be weighed down with something.  Then again, it will tell you when you are relying on the barre too much. 

We learned what our recital theme will be for pointe, but that will be another post.  Here is my practice session with my new barre. 

My right shoe is softening faster than my left.  I used a different type of glue on each shoe, and the one on the right shoe is definitely the inferior glue.  I need to add another layer and harden it up again. 

Anyways, happy dancing!


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