Summer Plans

Holy smokes, there are suddenly a whole hell of a lot of you reading this blog-- like almost 1000 of you a day.  That's what some people might call "cray".  Not me though, lol.

Recital madness has ended.  I'm still feeling so happy that I did this again.  All of the long sweaty rehearsals paid off and the two performances went SO well.  I'm not even sore today, but I might be tomorrow.

Here's our lyrical costume: (The Hobbit)

Contemporary: (Hunger Games)

Ballet (Chinese Checkers Routine)

And our pointe class:

It's so nice to be involved in something like dance, with such an awesome group of ladies.  We range in age but have that common bond.  It's sad seeing the seniors for the last time on closing night, so many of the people I've bonded with are moving away to school and won't be coming back next year, which is too bad.

My studio has to move to a new facility over the summer, so no summer classes will be held again.  I'm sad it's over, but glad to have a week off.

I have plans to take a few ballet classes per week at various studios, and use that gym membership I signed up for over the winter.  I want to do a lot of cross training and improve my strength and continue my losing trend I've been on lately.  My main goal is to improve my core strength.  I have really nice flexibility at the moment, but not enough strength to control it.

I'll post more about the other studios I plan on trying this summer, among other things.  Do you have any summer plans?



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