Recital Excitement!

Some of the wind I had in my sails while writing yesterday's post is thanks to the excitement I already feel for our upcoming recital.  It isn't until the 3rd week in June, but I'm already very excited to be on stage again!  

We've just started learning choreography in each of our classes for our recital numbers.  Each one of the numbers I'm in this year are vastly different from one another, and from the numbers I was in last year.  I know that's the norm, but it's good to see that my instructors don't just recycle choreography each year.  Not that I assumed that would happen, but it's still good to know.

The theme for our recital is board games.  Each class chose a board game to center the number around.  Ballet for instance chose Chinese Checkers, and the instructor (who is also a seamstress & costume designer!) is making us traditional Chinese costumes with the long circle skirts & sleeves twice as long as your arms.  Here's an example from Youtube:

We've only learned a few measures but this one is bound to be killer-- the song is just MADE for jumping.  Changements, entrechat, beats, you name it.  I need to work my tush off to build the strength & stamina to get through this one!  

Lyrical is doing a song from The Hobbit movie, I can't remember the board game for this one though.  The song is absolutely beautiful, very powerful.  We haven't learned much of this one yet, but with the studio director choreographing I'm sure it'll be intense.  

Pointe is going a little contemporary/jazz this time, with a very Fosse style number set to Michael Buble's Feeling Good.  We've learned the intro to this one and it's very fun!  The instructor is making our costumes for this number as well, and from what she's described this will be my favorite costume of all.  Fishnets, tophats & full length gloves.  Need I say more?  

And finally Contemporary/Modern is doing a piece to a version of Abraham's Daughter from the Hunger Games movie.  It's a hunger games themed dance, and we are wearing the shirts that the tributes wore in the arena in the first movie with long black jazz pants.  

The contemporary number is probably going to steal the whole show.  In class we've been practicing dance-sprinting to the center of the room, stopping, acting as if we've been shot and falling gracefully/rolling away.  I can't find the exact music she's using on youtube, but it's absolutely haunting.  I think this one will be the most emotionally charged.  I can't wait to learn more of this dance.  

I'm excited because I feel an emotional connection to each song and each piece, so it shouldn't be too hard to carry that over to the stage.  I'm much more excited about each number this year than I was last year.  Last year I really liked our Lyrical piece, but I didn't love the ballet or pointe routines, I wasn't able to connect to any part of them really. 

I can't wait to see what happens next!  

Have a good weekend! 



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